Summary: | This paper is to investigate the effectiveness of the combination technique of LRD (Listen-Read-Discuss) and graphic organizer in teaching reading comprehension. I used quasi-experimental design in this research. The population of this study was the eighth year students of SMP Negeri 1 Dukuhwaru,Tegal in the academic year of 2016/2017. Meanwhile, the sample consisted of 70 students from two classes. The study was started by giving pre-test, treatments, and post-test to both groups. The experimental group (VIII D) was taught by LRD and graphic organizer combination technique, while the control group (VIII F) was taught by using conventional method. The data were obtained by giving a reading test to both groups. In addition, the questionnaire and observation were also conducted for the experimental group to obtain more data. The result of the study indicated that the group taught by LRD and graphic organizer combination technique has better score in the test than the group taught by conventional method. In the pretest, the mean score of the control group was 56.65 and the experimental group was 58.11. The mean of posttest of experimental group (82.05) was higher than control groups (70.11). Then, the t-test showed that the tvalue (5.756) was higher than t table (1.998). It can be concluded that the working hypothesis is accepted. It means that there is a significant difference of effectiveness and reading comprehension achievement in reading descriptive text of students who are taught by LRD and graphic organizer combination technique and those who are not taught by using that technique. Therefore, that combination technique is effective and convenient for students to improve their achievement reading comprehension of descriptive text.