Summary: | This review summarizes research findings on socio-pathological aspects of life of schizophrenic patients’ families. Instigated on a system theory, and socio-dynamic notion that links the commencement of the schizophrenia to economical circumstance of individual hence: inadequate function of this component is a product of personal pathology of individual. System therapy perceives family as a system as its members play particular roles and form multiple relations. Therapy observes family as a system: their members play certain roles and form multiple interactions. This disorder of the family system can be manifested through mental disturbance of one of its members: however, it is never a reflection of individual’s personal pathology but troubled family relations. System theory on commencement of schizophrenia emphasizes emotional relationship, atmosphere and communication between family members. Therefore, system theory underlines the importance of troubled emotional relationships, atmosphere bearing negative notion and inadequate communication between family members. Negative family surroundings, emotional and communicational character of the schizophrenic patients’ families’ relations were confirmed by the research.