Summary: | This study aims to describe the characteristics of the Bajo tribe's habitation in Lagasa village, which is located in the suburbs of the capital Muna county, Indonesia. The research employs descriptive qualitative approaches with observational, naturalistic, and phenomenological methods as well as inductive data analysis techniques to explain phenomena occurring in the field based on observations and information gathered. According to the findings of the study, the settlement area is divided into two zones: the land zone and the aquatic zone. Grid patterns are the most prevalent type of settlement pattern, followed by cluster patterns and linear patterns. The houses are separated into three categories: (1) houses on land, (2) houses on water, and (3) houses that are partially on land and partially on water. Particularly with the construction systems and materials, the physical condition of the dwellings in this area has generally improved. Internal factors such as the level of knowledge and economic capabilities of the community influence the characteristics of settlements, while external factors are the policies of the local government. The perception and way of life of the Bajo tribe in the region are impacted by interventions on the physical development of settlement areas and surrounding areas. The Location of settlements that are suburban areas that provide easy access to a variety of information, thereby influencing people's perceptions.