Summary: | Following the piloting of VaxTrac, an electronic immunization registry (EIR), we conducted a rapid assessment in November-December 2017 to evaluate the use of the EIR in 10 health facilities in Western Area Urban district in Sierra Leone [1]. In this data-in-brief report, we provide additional descriptive data from the assessment of the VaxTrac EIR in Sierra Leone. The assessment comprised aggregate data on vaccine doses administered that were abstracted from VaxTrac and three paper-based sources (daily tally sheets, register of children under the age of 2 years, and a summary form of doses administered). Data were abstracted for the following six vaccine doses in the immunization schedule in Sierra Leone: 1) Bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccine, 2) first dose of pentavalent vaccine, 3) second dose of pentavalent vaccine, 4) third dose of pentavalent vaccine, 5) first dose of measles-containing vaccine, and 6) second dose of measles-containing vaccine. We descriptively analysed the abstracted data to examine the congruity between VaxTrac records and the three paper-based sources. Bar graphs were generated to visually depict the variations in number of administered vaccine doses by data source for each health facility. We provide the aggregated data for each vaccine dose abstracted by data source from each health facility as supplemental material (Excel file). The supplementary data reveal patterns in the congruity of vaccine doses captured that have implications for policy and programmatic decisions regarding the use of VaxTrac and other similar EIRs in low resource urban settings.