Summary: | Electronics components such as bipolar junction transistors, diodes, etc.
which are used in deep space mission are required to be tolerant to
extensive exposure to energetic neutrons and ionizing radiation. This paper
examines neutron radiation with pneumatic transfer system of TRIGA Mark-II
reactor at the Malaysian Nuclear Agency. The effects of the gamma radiation
from Co-60 on silicon NPN bipolar junction transistors is also be examined.
Analyses on irradiated transistors were performed in terms of the
electrical characteristics such as current gain, collector current and base
current. Experimental results showed that the current gain on the devices
degraded significantly after neutron and gamma radiations. Neutron radiation
can cause displacement damage in the bulk layer of the transistor structure
and gamma radiation can induce ionizing damage in the oxide layer of
emitter-base depletion layer. The current gain degradation is believed to be
governed by the increasing recombination current in the base-emitter
depletion region.