Summary: | The Way Kuripan River is one of the rivers in Bandar Lampung which overflows during the rainy season. Downstream of the river passes through several subdistrict, is Pesawahan, and Kota Karang. The purpose of the study is to analyze the river water level when the rainy season arrives. Based on survey research, the upstream of Way Kuripan River in the Betung Hills has a river width of ± 20 m and river depth of 4,51 m. While the downstream of the river width of ± 10 m and river depth of 2,78 m. Analyze using the Graphic Integration Method. Obtained, upstream water level of the river during the rainy season is 3.0793 m < 4.51 m. This is considered safety because the water discharge is still accommodated by the river. However, not with downstream conditions, the river water level reaches 5,216 m > 2.78 m. As a result, the watershed passed through (Pesawahan and Kota Karang subdistrict), experiences flooding due to overflowing water discharge.