Summary: | Objectives: Prior studies have characterized protein and metabolite changes associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection; we hypothesized that these biomarkers may be part of heritable metabolic pathways in erythrocytes. Methods: Using a twin study of erythrocyte protein and metabolite levels, we describe the heritability of, and correlations among, previously identified biomarkers that correlate with COVID-19 severity. We used gene ontology and pathway enrichment analysis tools to identify pathways and biological processes enriched among these biomarkers. Results: Many COVID-19 biomarkers are highly heritable in erythrocytes. Among heritable metabolites downregulated in COVID-19, metabolites involved in amino acid metabolism and biosynthesis are enriched. Specific amino acid metabolism pathways (valine, leucine, and isoleucine biosynthesis; glycine, serine, and threonine metabolism; and arginine biosynthesis) are heritable in erythrocytes. Conclusions: Metabolic pathways downregulated in COVID-19, particularly amino acid biosynthesis and metabolism pathways, are heritable in erythrocytes. This finding suggests that a component of the variation in COVID-19 severity may be the result of phenotypic variation in heritable metabolic pathways; future studies will be necessary to determine whether individual variation in amino acid metabolism pathways correlates with heritable outcomes of COVID-19.