Summary: | Tens of thousands (Callmer, 1977, pp.12-32) of beads marking the rich graves of the Viking world indicate that the production of these beads is an area worthy of study. Evidence such as mandrels, crucibles, bead fragments, and semi-manufactures exist at Helgo, Birka, Paviken, Hedeby (Lundström, 1976, p.3), Kaupang (Gaut, 2011, p.232), Frojel (Carlsson, 2011), Åhus (Callmer, 2001, p.138), and Ribe (Sode, 2004, p.86). At Ribe, further evidence provides the best published look at possible direct evidence of the bead furnaces themselves. Seven hearths, including most notably hearths ÆZ and ACU (Bencard and Jørgensen, 1990, p.95), are known from the Ribe excavations.