Summary: | Polaris is a new lattice physics package, introduced in version 6.2 of the SCALE package. It uses a method of characteristics transport solver and the embedded self-shielding method. It is able to model light water reactor systems with a minimal amount of input. The goal of this project is to include support for CANDU models in Polaris for the next version of SCALE. So far, the model has been implemented and shown to give results with reasonable agreement to other SCALE sequences. This study extends the model to a reflector model, and shows that most quantities agree well with other codes. Some quantities, such as keff and assembly discontinuity factors, are sensitive to meshing. This study also performs a correlation between the TRITON and Polaris sequences using Sampler to perturb the nuclear data. Overall, there is good agreement between the two codes, though coolant void reactivity is only moderately correlated, likely due to the differences in resonance self-shielding methods. Additionally, this work shows that a coarser mesh can be used to speed up uncertainty calculations compared to the mesh used for a best estimate. Finally, this work shows that the mass lumping feature in CENTRM significantly affects heavy water moderated calculations, whether using TRITON or calculating self-shielding factors, and thus should be disabled for heavy water calculations.