Summary: | The following review is intended to dis- cuss in detail a book authored by Fernando Diez relating to the formation of the mod- ern thought about work and luxury. Pub- lished initially in the year 2001 by Editori- al Peninsula, this work focuses on the in- ception of natural economy and wealthy distribution in nation states. From an his- torical perspective, Díez creates a concep- tual frame between mercantilism and illu- stration. Albeit we are aware about the limitation to review a text 8 years older than standardized reviews, but since in philosophical literature the attention given to the history of economy is low, we think that our efforts are worth. In recent years, many scholars in tourism academy referred to tourism as an expression of leisure and luxury but the reminiscences of both phe- nomenons in these studies still remain un- der-explored. Anyone who entered in the field work at a hotel will realize tourism is invested by luxurious and golden decora- tion at rooms and other parts of establish- ment. Luxury of course represents for tour- ism a valuable ally to emulate the “lost paradise”.