Summary: | This study offers reflections on the inclusion of children with Cri Du Chat Syndrome (CCS), a rare condition of genetic origin.
OBJECTIVES: To discuss the inclusion of children with CCS in schools and describe the characteristics, diagnosis, treatment, and main symptoms of the condition, along with the main difficulties students with CCS might face; to assess the knowledge teachers have about CCS and potential teaching resources they may use.
METHOD: A digital survey questionnaire was used in this qualitative exploratory descriptive study.
RESULTS: Only 14.8% of the 27 teachers who responded the questionnaire had knowledge about CCS and had worked in a classroom with adapted pedagogical practices.
CONCLUSION: A very small portion of teachers had knowledge about CCS and most had never been in contact with individuals with the syndrome, either in a classroom or during training. A path has to be developed for the inclusion of children with CCS, through a process based on knowledge, affection, love, and respect for differences.