Summary: | Introduction: Person-centred integrated care is often at odds with how current health care systems are structured, resulting in slower than expected uptake of the model worldwide. Adopting goal-oriented care, an approach which uses patient priorities, or goals, to drive what kinds of care are appropriate and how care is delivered, may offer a way to improve implementation. Description: This case report presents three international cases of community-based primary health care models in Ottawa (Canada), Vermont (USA) and Flanders (Belgium) that adopted goal-oriented care to stimulate clinical, professional, organizational and system integration. The Rainbow Model of Integrated Care is used to demonstrate how goal-oriented care drove integration at all levels. Discussion: The three cases demonstrate how goal-oriented care has the potential to catalyse integrated care. Exploration of these cases suggests that goal-oriented care can serve to activate formative and normative integration mechanisms; supporting processes that enable integrated care, while providing a framework for a shared philosophy of care. Lessons learned: By establishing a common vision and philosophy to drive shared processes, goal-oriented care can be a powerful tool to enable integrated care delivery. Offering plenty of opportunities for training in goal-oriented care within and across teams is essential to support this shift.