Summary: | The reform of teachers’ education commenced by the Ministry of Education and Science provides an opportunity to obtain a qualification as a teacher within one year, encompassing studies based in a working environment for those who already have higher education. The goal of the research is to identify the challenges, risks and perspectives of the realization of the module “Music methodology” of the study course “Integrated methods in Teaching Culture Understanding and Self-expression in Art” within the one-year study programme “Skolotājs”. The research compared study course plans in music teaching and choir work methodology at two Latvian higher education institutions, as well as at two foreign higher education institution, where a qualification as a music teacher at a comprehensive school can be attained. The research was undertaken based on an analysis of theoretical sources, providing an understanding about a synthesis of varying contemporary methodological approaches. It encompasses the acquisition of a knowledge of cultural history and the history of music, the style and future directions of popular music, desirably not just theoretically but practically as well, in the education of the students. The actualization of such study courses as music teaching methodology, the research process in music teaching, music history and stylistics, the psychology of music, conducting, choir/vocal ensemble work, methodology and music project management are important for the high quality and integrated acquisition of music teaching methodology.