Summary: | The application of biodiesel blends is known to significantly affect operation of diesel-injection equipment, especially the injectors and fuel pump. This paper summarizes experience on this subject from burning fuel blends with high-percentages of biodiesel (up to 70%) on a common-rail, high-pressure-injection diesel engine and a conventional DI engine. Both engines were unable to start after running for 100 h each and staying shut off for more than two months. In order to understand the wear characteristics of the injector nozzle, pump pistons, and elastomer parts (in the case of the high-pressure pump of the common-rail engine), due to the prolonged operation with high-percentage biodiesel blends, their injectors and pumps parts were examined and compared by performing normal photography and low magnification microscopy. Additionally, the various elastomer parts of the high-pressure fuel pump of the common-rail engine were examined for wear and deterioration. The results are compared with existing literature results from other researchers. The observed deterioration of diesel-injection equipment is caused by use of high-percentage biodiesel blends and subsequent engine shut down.