Summary: | The mechanical properties of the material are essential to identify the material behavior of the structure. Predicting four-directional braided composites’ mechanical properties based on accurate modeling is an essential issue among researchers. In this research, the principle of minimum energy loss-based mechanics of structure genome was used for the two-step homogenization of three-dimensional (3D) four-directional braided composites. In the first step homogenization, the micro-scale model’s effective mechanical properties were decided by considering fibers and matrix; in the second step homogenization, the final effective mechanical properties of the meso-scale model were obtained by considering yarns and matrix. TexGen python script was implemented for accurate modeling of 3D four-directional braided cells with jamming effects. The current process sustainability was validated for 3D four-directional braided polymer matrix composites (PMCs) material by available finite element analysis (FEA) and experimental literature. The method is further extended for 3D four-directional braided ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) to confirm its versatility for standard composites. A commercial FEA was also performed on the meso-scale braided cell to validate the two-step homogenization results. This research explored fast and more accurate modeling and analysis techniques for 3D four-directional braided composites.