Summary: | Aims: In this study the concentration of SO 2 in Khark Island was evaluated via passive sampling.
Materials and Methods: The climate of the region and SO 2 level were investigated during one year. For SO 2 sampling, sulphatation pages was used and SO 2 was determined by PbO 2 method monthly. The climate data was obtained from Khark airport meteorology station.
Results: For SO 2 sampling, the sulphatation pages were installed at six locations in the region for a month. The results indicate the level of this gas is more than air standard. So that, SO 2 concentration in residential Khark area was more than 8.5 ΅g/cm 2 day.
Conclusions: High gas concentrations and climate conditions can cause accelerated corrosion of facilities and can have adverse effects on human and natural resources of the island.