Summary: | Coal gangue-slag geopolymer is a kind of environment-friendly material with excellent engineering performance and is formed from coal gangue and slag after excitation by an alkaline activator. In this study, three kinds of coal gangue-slag geopolymer were activated by different activators, and the compressive and flexural strengths of water and sulphate solutions in the wetting-drying (W-D) cycles were compared. The microscopic mechanism was analyzed by the XRD, the FTIR and the SEM. The following conclusions are drawn: The influence of W-D cycles on flexural strength was greater than compressive strength. The water migration and the recombination of geopolymers lead to the change of colour, as well as the reduction of flexural strength and compressive strength of geopolymers. The SH geopolymer had excellent anti-erosion ability in terms of flexural strength, and the reason for this was the recombination and polymerization reaction of geopolymer being weaker than the SS and the SSG. The corrosion resistance of the SS was reflected in the compressive strength, because its geopolymerization reaction was fierce, which produced more Na-rich C–N–A–S–H, N–A–S–H and C–A–S–H gels. Therefore, the compressive strength could still reach more than 39 MPa after 150 cycles. Sulfate solution could effectively control the reduction of compressive strength of the SH and the SS geopolymers during W-D cycles. The SSG had the worst corrosion resistance.