Summary: | Several recent reports have examined whether there is a correlation between the presence of some minor alleles of the highly polymorphic apolipoprotein B gene and atherosclerosis and premature heart disease. The present study extends this investigation. A high-resolution method was used to study the allele frequencies of a hypervariable minisatellite region close to the apolipoprotein B gene in 110 patients with severe coronary disease and in 117 normal controls. Alleles containing 38, 44, 46, or 48 hypervariable elements showed an association with coronary heart disease. These alleles were also associated with elevated serum levels of total cholesterol and apolipoprotein B among patients and with elevated serum levels of total triglycerides among controls. The hypervariable region showed strong linkage disequilibrium with a polymorphic EcoRI site in exon 29 and was in linkage equilibrium with a polymorphic MspI site in exon 26. Two patients carried a base change at codon 3500 that results in an arginine-to-glutamine substitution; the base change was linked in both instances to the allele with 48 hypervariable elements.