Summary: | In article theoretical provisions of strategy of diversification, feature of methods of determination of efficiency of diversification of production of the enterprise, advantage and shortcomings of diversification, the main directions of diversification for manufacturing enterprise are considered. The analysis of system of diversification of production is carried out, in particular key indicators of innovative processes in LLC Globinsky Meat-processing Plant are characterized.
Complex assessment of innovative potential in financial structure of the enterprise, innovative potential in personnel structure of the enterprise, innovative potential in a material and innovative component of the enterprise, innovative potential in information component of the enterprise, innovative potential in a market component of the enterprise and as result - assessment of efficiency of implementation of innovative processes is carried out. In article also weaknesses of the strongest competitors of LLC Globinsky Meat-processing Plant in Ukraine are defined strong. The structure of the marketing 5P system of LLC Globinsky Meat-processing Plant is constructed. Zaktsentovano attention to need of formation of investment strategy of the enterprise which guarantees successful realization of the planned capital investments and ensuring economic security of the enterprise, and need of development of model of innovative development of LLC Globinsky Meat-processing Plant.