Summary: | <em>Patient Experience Journal</em> (PXJ) is excited to announce the call for submissions for its July 2020 special issue on the topic of patient & family experience in behavioral health. With a continued focus on the critical role of behavioral health in society today and a growing recognition of the importance of experience for those in behavioral health settings, a conversation on the practices in place and the identification of evidence of efforts leading to positive outcomes will be essential expanding the experience conversation in this setting. This special issue is open to all authors conducting cutting-edge research, implementing innovative practices or with powerful experiences to share around efforts to address the patient and family experience in behavioral health settings. The issue will look for pieces that address evidence-based efforts at improvement, practices that have impact on outcomes or stories that reflect the opportunities for elevating the human experience in behavioral health. In looking across care settings and across behavioral health issues, this special issue of PXJ looks to build a foundational collection of knowledge and information that will continue to push the conversation on experience forward. It will provide an opportunity to highlight accomplishments, reveal new findings and contribute to the literature aimed at improving results for all looking to ensure excellence in behavioral health settings.
The deadline for submissions for this issue is <strong>April 1, 2020</strong>. Articles should be identified as intended for the special issue during the submission process.