Summary: | This research concerns the complex problem of morphological transformations of villages in the intra-urban area (i.e. settlements incorporated into acity), as well as the suburban area, using the example of the metropolitan area of Łódź, Poland. The main aim of the research was to analyse the diversity of selected rural settlements and their spatial changes after World War II.. The study was based on preserved historical maps and today’s plans. An analysis of morphological changes of selected villages was conducted using graph theory methods. It was noticed that the graph development index should depend on the relative number of edges in relation to the number of nodes and the number of graph cycles, which express the degree of complexity of a settlement unit. Three main groups of villages, characterised by different scales of morphological transformations, were distinguished as a result of the study. Settlement units with orthomorphic transformations, where all spatial modifications were mainly additive and the initial layouts have been preserved almost completely, represent the first group of villages. The second group is composed of units with semi-metamorphic transformations, where the spatial reorganization was significant, but not total. The third group includes villages with metamorphic changes, where the initial layouts have been totallytransformed.