Temperature Monitoring in Škocjanske jame Caves

1884 je pričel J. Marinitsch meriti in zapisovati temperature v Škocjanskih jamah in njihovi okolici. Meritve za čas 1886-1914 so bile zabeležene v “Höhlenbuch”. Leta 1928 so potekale podrobne mikroklimatske meritve sočasno v podzemlju in na površju. V letih 1960-1962 so člani ljubljanske univerze o...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Andrej Kranjc, Bogdan Opara
Format: Article
Published: Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts 2016-05-01
Series:Acta Carsologica
Online Access:https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/carsologica/article/view/399
Summary:1884 je pričel J. Marinitsch meriti in zapisovati temperature v Škocjanskih jamah in njihovi okolici. Meritve za čas 1886-1914 so bile zabeležene v “Höhlenbuch”. Leta 1928 so potekale podrobne mikroklimatske meritve sočasno v podzemlju in na površju. V letih 1960-1962 so člani ljubljanske univerze opravljali meteorološka opazovanja v jami in v udornici Velika dolina. 1992 so v okviru Inštituta pričeli z rednimi beleženji temperatur. Kasneje so v različne dele postavili 5 avtomatskih termometrov. Analizirani so rezultati dvoletnih opazovanj (maj 1997 - maj 1999) ter predstavljeni v tem prispevku. Čeprav so si letni povprečki precej podobni (10,6 ° in 10,1 °C), kažejo mesečni povprečki velika nihanja (od 1,6 ° do 17,3 °C), medtem ko so bile absolutne temperature v razponu od -1,5 ° do 21,9 °C. Najpomembnejša dejavnika za razporeditev temperature sta razdalja od vhoda in vertikalna lega. Primerjava temperature vode Reke in temperature zraka pri Mačji brvi kaže visoko stopnjo korelacije (R2 = 0,8994). Predhodna opazovanja v tem kratkem času kažejo, da je del Škocjanskih jam, kjer teče Reka, izrazito dinamična jama in da obiskovalci ne morejo preveč vplivati na tamkajšnja meteorološka dogajanja. In 1884 J. Marinitsch started to measure and note down the data of temperature in the Škocjanske jame caves and nearby. The results for the period 1886-1914 are recorded in the “Höhlenbuch”. During the year 1928 detailed microclimatic measurements are performed simultaneously on the surface and underground. In the years 1960-1962 the members of the Ljubljana University have carried on the meteorological observations in the cave and specially in the collapse doline Velika dolina. In 1992 Karst Research Institute started to monitor the temperatures. Later on 5 temperature recorders were placed into different parts of the cave. The results of the two years (May 1997 - May 1999) were analysed and are presented in this paper. Although the annual mean values are rather similar (10.6° and 10.1°C), there is a great amplitude between the monthly mean values (1.6° to 17.3°). The absolute temperatures range between -1.5° and 21.9°C. The most important factors are distance from the entrance, and the vertical position. The comparison between temperatures of the Reka river and the air temperatures bears an important correlation. Previous results of this short period already show that the part of Škocjanske jame, where the Reka river is flowing, is an extremely dynamic cave and the visitors cannot have much impact on it’s meteorology.