Summary: | Over the past five decades in Siberia, archaeologists have not only searched for and excavated new
monuments, but also developed new approaches to previously studied archaeological sites – to mounds,
calculations, settlements, stone sculptures and petroglyphs. At this time, new types of ancient objects
were discovered on the Sayano-Altai mountains – sanctuaries, megaliths, observation astropoints and a
giant "zooanthropomorphic sculpture".
Sacred features at archaeological sites and sanctuaries can be identified by studying: 1) the
surrounding landscape; 2) orientation and marking of sacred objects and paths to them; 3) pictorial
images on stones, rocks, objects (main and secondary compositions); 4) the most revered objects are
altars, bonfires, images, structures made of stones and steles, water springs, mountain peaks, important
for understanding the main purpose of the ancient sanctuary; 5) ancient knowledge of astronomy,
mathematics, geometry, embedded in large and small objects. An integral approach allows you to
combine ancient knowledge into a single whole.