Summary: | Higlands-to-lowlands migrations are typical of the Balkan peninsula. This
type of migration lasted for the last two centuries and in the beginning it
was seasonal, comprising mainly workforce, but in later stages it became
permanent. However, despite its intensity, social significance and its
consequences, it hasn't been observed closely in scientific literature. A
permanent migration of this type hasn't even been identified as a
distinguished and important social occurrence or as a scientific problem. The
reason for this is its coinciding with migrations from the country to cities.
This paper analyzes an evident example of permanent higlands-to-lowlands
migrations: migrations of highlands inhabitants of southeast Serbia to
Zaječar and its surrounding villages, which began after the First World War
and intensified significantly from the 50's to the 80's of the 20th century
during the socialist industrialization. Main aspects of this type of
migration are listed at the end of the paper. [Project of the Serbian
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no.
179013: Održivost identiteta Srba i nacionalnih manjina u pograničnim
opštinama istočne i jugoistočne Srbije]