Summary: | Three novel Gram-positive, aerobic, chemoheterotrophic, motile, non-endospore-forming, orange-pigmented bacteria designated strains T13<sup>T</sup>, T90<sup>T</sup> and R8<sup>T</sup> were isolated from the Tabernas Desert biocrust (Almería, Spain). Cells of the three strains were coccus-shaped and occurred singly, in pairs or clusters. The three strains were oxidase-negative and catalase-positive, and showed a mesophilic, neutrophilic and non-halophilic metabolism. Based on the 16S rRNA gene sequences, the closest neighbours of strains T13<sup>T</sup>, T90<sup>T</sup> and R8<sup>T</sup> were <i>Kineococcus aurantiacus</i> IFO 15268<sup>T</sup>, <i>Kineococcus gypseus</i> YIM 121300<sup>T</sup> and <i>Kineococcus radiotolerans</i> SRS 30216<sup>T</sup> (98.5%, 97.1% and 97.9% gene sequence similarity, respectively). The genomes were sequenced, and have been deposited in the GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ databases under the accession numbers JAAALL000000000, JAAALM000000000 and JAAALN000000000, respectively, for strains T13<sup>T</sup>, T90<sup>T</sup> and R8<sup>T</sup>. The average nucleotide identity (ANIb) and digital DNA-DNA hybridization (dDDH) values confirmed their adscription to three new species within the genus <i>Kineococcus</i>. The genomic G + C content of strains T13<sup>T</sup>, T90<sup>T</sup> and R8<sup>T</sup> ranged from 75.1% to 76.3%. The predominant fatty acid of all three strains was anteiso-C<sub>15:0</sub>. According to a polyphasic study, strains T13<sup>T</sup>, T90<sup>T</sup> and R8<sup>T</sup> are representatives of three new species in the genus <i>Kineococcus</i>, for which names <i>Kineococcus vitellinus</i> sp. nov. (type strain T13<sup>T</sup> = CECT 9936<sup>T</sup> = DSM 110024<sup>T</sup>), <i>Kineococcus indalonis</i> sp. nov. (type strain T90<sup>T</sup> = CECT 9938<sup>T</sup> = DSM 110026<sup>T</sup>) and <i>Kineococcus siccus</i> sp. nov. (type strain R8<sup>T</sup> = CECT 9937<sup>T</sup> = DSM 110025<sup>T</sup>) are proposed.