Summary: | <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Decree No. 71 Year 2013 on drug services in Puskesmas participants BPJS Ciamis Regency and analyze inhibiting the implementation of Decree No. 71 Year 2013 on drug services in Puskesmas participants BPJS Ciamis District.</em></p><p><em>Legal research that will be done is the type of sociological studies. Sources of data include primary data in this study in the form of opinion from respondents in this case include the Chief Medical Officer of Ciamis, 6 (six) health center in the district of Ciamis, Head of the Social Security Agency of Health Ciamis, and Participant Social Security Agency of Health, while secondary data sources in the form of legislation, literature and official documents relating to the subject matter.</em></p><p><em>The results of the study explained that Decree No. 71 Year 2013 About the Health Care to Care Medicine at the health center Ciamis Regency has not been effective, as seen from the size of the observance of a rule of law, it appears the subject of law, namely health centers in the district of Ciamis of 6 (six) of clinics 2 (two) puskesmas devout implement these rules, there are four (4) health centers were not obedient in implementing the regulation, so that the purpose of Decree No. 71 Year 2015 that participants benefited health care and protection to meet basic health needs were not met.</em></p><p><em>The results of the study explained that Decree No. 71 Year 2013 About the Health Care to Care Medicine at the health center Ciamis Regency has not been effective, as seen from the size of the observance of a rule of law, it appears the subject of law, namely health centers in the district of Ciamis of 6 (six) of clinics 2 (two) puskesmas devout implement these rules, there are four (4) health centers were not obedient in implementing the regulation, so that the purpose of Decree No. 71 Year 2015 that participants benefited health care and protection to meet basic health needs were not met.</em></p><p><em>Factors - factors inhibiting the implementation of Decree No. 71 Year 2013 on drug service participants BPJS in Puskesmas Ciamis, among other rules or its own laws collide with a variety of health professions, void of drugs in industrial plants such drugs, human resources visible from education less coaching in exercising its rights and obligations, and the people considered officers and officials do not obey the rules so that there is disappointment with the participants BPJS, so it tends to affect disobedience in compliance with the regulations in the payment of dues each month.</em></p><em>Keywords: Drugs Service, Effectiveness, Health Center</em>