Summary: | Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the staple food for more than 50% of the world’s population. Micronutrient malnutrition is a
significant issue affecting approximately 2 billion people globally with severe levels of hunger. Fifteen hybrids derived
through 6 x 6 half diallel mating were evaluated along with the six parents in a randomized block design at Tamil Nadu
Rice Research Institute, Aduthurai during Kharif, 2022. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among the
genotypes for all the traits except for the flag leaf width. The GCA effects of CO54 and Kalanamak were significant
for most of the quantitative traits including grain yield, indicating the usefulness of these two genotypes for improving
yield contributing traits. The parents such as Kalanamak and Chinkinikar registered high mean values for Fe and
Zn and therefore these two parents can be exploited to develop Fe and Zn rich high yielding varieties. Analysis of
specific combining ability and heterosis per se of the hybrids indicated that the crosses viz., ADT56/Kalanamak, CO54/
Kalanamak and CO54/Chinkinikar were best hybrids for improving yield as well as nutritional traits.