Summary: | This article examines the features of the heat supply organizations (HSO) anti-crisis management, which has become relevant due to the pandemic in the spring of 2020. It is noted that the spread of coronavirus and the related economic problems had a negative impact on the sustainable development indicators of both countries and organizations. HSO, which are rarely considered in modern publications, are positioned in the study as the most important part of the economy of any country, on which the future stabilization of the economic situation among heat consumers depends. This study made it possible to draw a conclusion about the strengthening of the HSO engineering systems technical state role in the anti-crisis management of these organizations. The study summarizes and presents the main characteristics of the heating networks technical condition and systematizes all types of diagnostics that are encountered in practice. The characteristics of HSO management choices of the technical state monitoring methods is given. The authors propose a generalized model of the diagnostic methods choice, taking into account the sustainable development of a specific HSO. Perspective approaches to the improvement of the HSO heat supply systems state are determined, which will ensure the development and increasing reliability of urban infrastructure in the context of achieving sustainable development goals.