Summary: | We study the quench dynamics of noninteracting fermionic quantum many-body systems that are subjected to Markovian drive and dissipation and are described by a quadratic Liouvillian which has parity-time (PT) symmetry. In recent work, we have shown that such systems relax locally to a maximum entropy ensemble that we have dubbed the PT-symmetric generalized Gibbs ensemble (PTGGE), in analogy to the generalized Gibbs ensemble that describes the steady state of isolated integrable quantum many-body systems after a quench. Here, using driven-dissipative versions of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger (SSH) model and the Kitaev chain as paradigmatic model systems, we corroborate and substantially expand upon our previous results. In particular, we confirm the validity of a dissipative quasiparticle picture at finite dissipation by demonstrating light cone spreading of correlations and the linear growth and saturation to the PTGGE prediction of the quasiparticle-pair contribution to the subsystem entropy in the PT-symmetric phase. Further, we introduce the concept of directional pumping phases, which is related to the non-Hermitian topology of the Liouvillian and based upon qualitatively different dynamics of the dual string order parameter and the subsystem fermion parity in the SSH model and the Kitaev chain, respectively: depending on the postquench parameters, there can be pumping of string order and fermion parity through both ends of a subsystem corresponding to a finite segment of the one-dimensional lattice, through only one end, or there can be no pumping at all. We show that transitions between dynamical pumping phases give rise to a new and independent type of dynamical critical behavior of the rates of directional pumping, which are determined by the soft modes of the PTGGE.