Summary: | Numbers of breeding pairs of breeding birds and breeding density are established by territory mapping in Limanski (12.9 ha), Futoški (8.26 ha), and Dunavski (3.9 ha) Parks in Novi Sad from early March to late June 2007. In Limanski Park 11 species of breeders were found, the most numerous being tree sparrow (Passer montanus). Futoški Park had 15 breeders and the most numerous were great tit (Parus major). The smallest number of species (9) bred in Dunavski Park, with great tit as the most common breeder. The greatest density of breeding pairs was recorded in the largest park (37.7 pairs/km2). Hole-breeders dominated in Futoški and Dunavski Park, but their number was the same as the number of canopy-breeders in Limanski Park. Measured with Sorensen index of similarity, the greatest similarity was found between breeding avifauna of Futoški and Dunavski Park (72), then between Futoški and Limanski (61), while the smallest similarity was found if we compare breeding avifauna of Dunavski and Limanski Park. Compared with breeding avifauna in other parks in Central Europe, breeding avifauna of Novi Sad parks is relatively poor.