Summary: | The monitoring of impervious surfaces in urban areas using remote sensing with fine spatial and temporal resolutions is crucial for monitoring urban development and environmental changes in urban areas. Spatiotemporal super-resolution mapping (STSRM) fuses fine-spatial-coarse-temporal remote sensing data with coarse-spatial-fine-temporal data, allowing for urban impervious surface mapping at both fine-spatial and fine-temporal resolutions. The STSRM involves two main steps: unmixing the coarse-spatial-fine-temporal remote sensing data to class fraction images, and downscaling the fraction images to sub-pixel land cover maps. Yet, challenges exist in each step when applying STSRM in mapping impervious surfaces. First, the impervious surfaces have high spectral variability (i.e., high intra-class and low inter-class variability), which impacts the accurate extraction of sub-pixel scale impervious surface fractions. Second, downscaling the fraction images to sub-pixel land cover maps is an ill-posed problem and would bring great uncertainty and error in the predictions. This paper proposed a new Spatiotemporal Continuous Impervious Surface Mapping (STCISM) method to deal with these challenges in fusing Landsat and Google Earth imagery. The STCISM used the Multiple Endmember Spectral Mixture Analysis and the Fisher Discriminant Analysis to minimize the within-class variability and maximize the between-class variability to reduce the spectral unmixing uncertainty. In addition, the STCISM adopted a new temporal consistency check model to incorporate temporal contextual information to reduce the uncertainty in the time-series impervious surface prediction maps. Unlike the traditional temporal consistency check model that assumed the impervious-to-pervious conversion is unlikely to happen, the new model allowed the bidirectional conversions between pervious and impervious surfaces. The temporal consistency check was used as a post-procession method to correct the errors in the prediction maps. The proposed STCISM method was used to predict time-series impervious surface maps at 5 m resolution of Google Earth image at the Landsat frequency. The results showed that the proposed STCISM outperformed the STSRM model without using the temporal consistency check and the STSRM model using the temporal consistency check based on the unidirectional pervious-to-impervious surface conversion rule.