Summary: | En particular, la salud bucal asegura importantes procesos como masticar e iniciar una adecuada digestión, de manera que su descuido puede conspirar contra la salud en general. En los adolescentes de ambos sexos ocurren complejas transformaciones biológicas, psicológicas y sociales, por lo cual se impone brindar a este grupo poblacional una atención médica integral durante esa etapa. Sobre la base de tales reflexiones, se revisó la bibliografía pertinente sobre algunas cuestiones elementales al respecto.<br>Oral health particularly assures important processes such as chewing and beginning an appropriate digestion, so that negligence towards it can conspire against general health. There are complex biological, psychological and social transformations in the adolescents of both sexes, reason why it is imposed to offer a comprehensive medical care during that stage to this populational group. On the base of such reflections, the pertinent literature was reviewed on some elementary questions in this respect.