Summary: | Repeated projective measurements in unitary circuits can lead to an entanglement phase transition as the measurement rate is tuned. In this work, we consider a different setting in which the projective measurements are replaced by dynamically chosen unitary gates that minimize the entanglement. This can be seen as a one-dimensional unitary circuit game in which two players get to place unitary gates on randomly assigned bonds at different rates: the “entangler” applies a random local unitary gate with the aim of generating extensive (volume-law) entanglement. The “disentangler,” based on limited knowledge about the state, chooses a unitary gate to reduce the entanglement entropy on the assigned bond with the goal of limiting to only finite (area-law) entanglement. In order to elucidate the resulting entanglement dynamics, we consider three different scenarios: (i) a classical discrete height model, (ii) a Clifford circuit, and (iii) a general U(4) unitary circuit. We find that both the classical and Clifford circuit models exhibit phase transitions as a function of the rate that the disentangler places a gate, which have similar properties that can be understood through a connection to the stochastic Fredkin chain. In contrast, the entangler always wins when using Haar random unitary gates and we observe extensive, volume-law entanglement for all nonzero rates of entangling.