Summary: | The objective of this study was to produce silage from intercropped RR glyphosate tolerant corn (RR - Roundup Ready) and RR soybeans under Brazilian Cerrado conditions. The research was carried out in off-season between February and June 2015, in Rio Verde, Goiás (Brazil). In the experimental period the rainfall was 865 mm and the average temperature of 23.7°C. Two trials were performed. The first had corn rows spaced in 1 m with a row of soybeans in the interrow. The second had double corn rows interspersed with one row of soybeans, all spaced in 0.50 m. In both trials, we used a randomized block design, in a 2x2+3 factorial scheme, with four replications. Primary factor consisted of two types of pre-sowing fertilization: one only in corn rows and the other over the total area. The secondary factor corresponded to two soybean varieties: medium and late cycle variety. In addition, three control treatments were made: one of corn and two of soybeans. The corn cutoff point was at the hard farinaceous stage when the milk line reaches half the grain, and in the sole crop soybean at the R5.5 final phase of grain filling. Silage was stored in PVC experimental silos for 60 days. The intercropped treatments, in both spatial arrangements, promoted increases in neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber contents. Soybean monoculture presented high values of crude protein and ethereal extract. There were higher effluent losses in medium-cycle soybean variety silage when it was grown in single cropping. However, the lowest effluent losses were recorded for silages of medium-cycle soybean intercropped under a double row pre-sowing corn fertilization system. The soybeans mixed silages produced together with corn under off-season conditions did not yield satisfactory results.