Summary: | Lactose-free products are an example of an emergent, innovative product on the milk market, with particular properties
targeted at a specific group of consumers. Trends indicate that the value of the global lactose-free market will increase. The aim
of the study, one of the first studies in Poland, was to examine young consumers’ knowledge of lactose-free products and in so
doing to inform sector recommendations. Using a three-part questionnaire, knowledge of these products was determined from
respondents (n=240) in a university setting in Poland. Few young people in the study correctly understood the definition of a
lactose-free product. Those who reported themselves as being lactose intolerant have greater awareness of the presence of these
products on the market, are more likely to buy the products, use nutritional information, use composition and ingredient
information, are more likely to read labels, and know the definition of a lactose-free product. The findings have sector
implications in that awareness campaigns need to be developed at government and market level to increase knowledge and
awareness of these products, their value to specific groups and their availability in the dairy market.