Summary: | The main aim of this paper is a quantitative and structural comprehensive evaluation of LEADER projects presented in the context of local resources, which determine development opportunities. The issue has been discussed mainly from a geographical and spatial perspective. The impact of the LEADER approach on increasing the mobilisation of local communities and their use of rural resources was evaluated; as a result, this has enabled a bottom-up simulation of the development of local government units. The LEADER approach has substantially contributed to the mobilisation of local resources in rural areas (e.g. growth in the number Local Action Groups (LAGs) from 149 to 338). It was found that the involvement of LAGs had a positive impact on the activity of inhabitants (i.e. an increase in the number of initiatives undertaken, the absorption of European Union (EU) funds). The nature of the implemented projects demonstrates that LEADER combines investment actions with social projects. In general, it has been implemented more successfully in areas where investments are related to genuine needs and local resources.