Summary: | The Bay of Bengal (BoB) is a familiar ground for tropical cyclones. Consequently, cyclone surge and tidal
inundation are very common in the Bangladesh coast which causes massive loss of human lives and properties. The
present paper is an attempt to delineate the frequency of cyclones in the BoB, and loss of human lives and properties of
Bangladesh coast on the basis of published reports, open source data and field checking, and finally to propose an
effective way out to protect the area from cyclone surge. This study exposes that the frequency of cyclones in the area
increased recently due to rise of global temperature. It further reveals that though the frequency of cyclones is
increased, the loss of human lives is significantly decreased. Death toll in the last two decades decreased a lot for
similar strength of cyclones comparing to the toll in last thirty or fifty years. Improvement in the early warning system,
evacuation plan with proper training and construction of good number of cyclone shelter all over the coastal region are
the main reason for this improvement. Though the loss of human lives is significantly reduced, the loss of economic
resources in the coastal areas of the country is enormous as in earlier episodes. Therefore, adaptation for the Climate
Change effect is needed to expedite with afforestation in the coastal region. Economic loss might also be reduced
obstructing the cyclonic surge in the coastal region. Considering the cyclone path and tidal amplitude of cyclonic surge,
upgradation or reconstruction of the coastal embankments all along the coast is essential. In this process, it is important
to ensure that the tidal channels act as an inlet and outlets all over the coast to keep the natural processes active. An
integrated approach including geoscientists, engineers, planners, policy makers, etc. is required to protect the resources
as well as proper management of the coastal areas of the country.