Summary: | <strong>Introduction</strong>: The aim of the Telekat project is to prevent re-admissions of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by developing a preventive programof tele-rehabilitation across sectors for COPD patients. The development of the program is based on a co-innovation process between COPD patients, relatives, healthcare professionals and representatives from private firms and universities. This paper discusses theobstacles that arise in the co-innovation process of developing an integrated technique for tele-rehabilitation of COPD patients. <strong>Theory: </strong>Network and innovation theory. <strong>Methods</strong>: The casestudy was applied. A triangulation of data collection techniques was used: documents, observations (123 hours), qualitative interviews (n=32) and action research. <strong>Findings</strong>: Obstacles were identified in the network context; these obstacles included the mindset of the healthcare professionals, inter-professionals relations, views of technology as a tool and competing visions for the goals of tele-rehabilitation. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>We have identified obstacles that emerge in the co-innovation process when developing a programme for tele-rehabilitation of COPD patients in an inter-organizational context. Action research has been carried out and can have helped to facilitate the co-innovation process.