Tóm tắt: | Introduction: Respiratory syncytia! viral (RSV) bronchiolitis is a severe respiratory lesion, which is often found among premature infants, but has not been sufficiently studied, in this group of newborns.The aim. of the study was to analyze clinical and. laboratory features of the course of RSV infection in premature infants.Materials and methods. Clinical, laboratory and. x-ray examination of 40 pre mature infants with RSV-bronchiolitis verified by immunofluorescence reaction and polymerase chain reaction was carried out.Research, result. Among patients with RSV-bronchiolitis, children with gestational age of 29—32 and 33—35 weeks and. body weight of 1000—1499 and. 1500—2499 grams predominate significantly. In patients, the disease was often accompanied by a lack of temperature, symptoms of bronchial obstruction, crepitation, development of respiratory failure II-IIICT in 77,5% of cases, severe need for oxygen therapy (80%), hospitalization, in ORNT (50%).Conclusion. Premature infants constitute a risk group for the development of RSV bronchiolitis.