Summary: | Protocol, ceremonial and etiquette are
important tools for capitalizing on the cultures
of Europeanization of higher education / business
/ diplomatic environment. Thus, in this
article, we aimed to draw the attention of stakeholders
to the importance and impact of protocol
and etiquette in the process of Europeanization
of higher education. The general objective
is to plead for the knowledge and correct
application of the protocol rules and etiquette
rules in the process of capitalizing on the
culture of Europeanization of higher education.
Even the partnership protocols between higher
education institutions, the national and international
business environment, the diplomatic
environment are tools for building strategic
educational bridges. At the same time, stakeholders
involved in the process of capitalizing
on the culture of Europeanization of higher
education must be aware that these educational
bridges will be successfully built only in terms
of pillars Integrity, Manners, Personality,
Appearance (in front of partners), Consideration,
Tact, etc.