Summary: | One of the most significant developments at this time is the online buying and selling transactions. Sellers and buyers do not need face-to-face buying and selling transactions. They only need to have an internet connection that will take them in cyberspace. Until now, there is still a legal vacuum about it in Indonesia. The existence of E-Commerce makes it is necessary to learn about consumer protection in an online sale and purchase agreement. Therefore, there will be no legal dispute that can harm various parties commercially. The approach method used in this study was an empirical juridical approach. This research was conducted in Semarang, Pekalongan, and Magelang. The selection of three cities in Central Java is based on a purposive sampling method. Data were gained by means of an interview, questionnaire, and literature study. Primary data, secondary data. Qualitative analysis. The results showed that the main principle of online transactions in Central Java still prioritized the aspects of trust of sellers and buyers. The principles of online transaction security has not become a major concern for sellers and buyers, especially in small to medium scale transactions.