Summary: | Children and Adolescents in street situation represent the legitimating of a process of social exclusion. We objectify, in this study, to identify the existing institutions in the City of Goiânia that give assistance to this population. Qualitative study developed together ace attention institutions the children and adolescents in street situation. We use for collection of data structuralized half interview, comment and register in daily of field comments and register in daily of field. The data had been analyzed in accordance with the Analysis of Content. The politics destined to this population are on the Municipal Foundation of Communitarian Development (Design Citizen 2000). We have as entity executor the Division of Protection and Defense of Infancy and Adolescent, where we observe the SOS Children, Houses of Pass, Houses Homes, Design Educators of Street We observe exactly that the goianienses politics of attention the children and adolescents search compliment it of the ECA, that still with some limitations.