Summary: | This paper deals with object-oriented image analysis applied for an urban area. Very high-resolution images in conjunction with object-oriented image analysis have been used for land cover detection. Using the eCognition software with object-oriented methods, not only the spectral information but also the shape, compactness and other parameters can be used to extract meaningful objects. The spectral and geometric diversity of urban surfaces is a very complex research issue. It is the main reason why additional information is needed to improve the outcome of classification. The most consistent and relevant characteristic of buildings is their height. Therefore, elevation data (converted from LIDAR data) are used for building extraction, segmentation and classification. The study deals with the problem, how to determine the most appropriate parameters of segmentation, feature extraction and classification methods. The data extraction includes two phases, the first part consists the following steps: data pre-processing, rule set development, multi-scale image segmentation, the definition of features used to map land use, classification based on rule set and accuracy evaluation. The second part of the data process based on classical raster analysis GIS tools like focal and zonal function.