Summary: | The objective of the study was to know if there was any on simultanous or partial influence of learning discipline, family environment and learning motivation toward students’learning outcomes the 10th grade students’ of Office Administration Department at SMK Negeri 2 Temanggung. The population of the study were 80 students on 10th grade of Office Administration Department taken by total sampling technique, applied to students as sample. The data were collected by questionnaire. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis, a classic assumption test and hypothesis test using SPSS for windows release 21. Based on the results of multiple regression analysis, it was obtained similarity Y = 65.621 + 0.057X1 + 0.093X2 + 0.213 X3 + e. This learning outcome by hypothesis test of Simultan test Fcount 14,463 with a significance 0.000, so H1 was accepted. The Simultaneous Determination coefficient (R2) was at 34.1%, it means that learning disicipline, family environment and learning motivation influence students’ learning outcomesfor 34.1%. This influence of learning discipline toward students’ learning outcome of partial for 5,01%, family environment toward students’ learning outcome of partial for 7,12% and learning motivation toward students’ learning outcome of partial for 15,60%.