Summary: | Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears are an unfortunate and devastating injury in the athletic patient. Surgical reconstruction of the ACL with a taut graft construct is necessary to restore knee stability and help expedite the patient's return to an active lifestyle. Arthroscopy-assisted ACL reconstruction can be a technically involved procedure, where strong fixation limits graft motion to allow sufficient healing within the tibial and femoral tunnels at the bone-tendon interfaces. Loss of tension in a graft can cause symptomatic anterior or rotatory instability and potential retear of the ACL graft. We describe in this Technical Note and accompanying video a simple and effective technique to implant and retension a tendon graft during ACL reconstruction using a suspensory fixation device. The technical description uses a simple adjustable-loop device to provide strong cortical fixation, along with the unique ability to retension the graft in ACL reconstruction, not otherwise possible with previously described graft fixation techniques.