Summary: | Masahiro Miura, Ryo Wakita, Takuya Iwasaki Department of Ophthalmology, Tokyo Medical University, Ibaraki Medical Center, Inashiki, Ibaraki 3000395, JapanCorrespondence: Masahiro MiuraDepartment of Ophthalmology, Tokyo Medical University, Ibaraki Medical Center, 3-20-1 Chuo, Ami, Inashiki, Ibaraki 300395, JapanTel +81-298871161Fax +81-298877656Email Low power mode (LPM) can be used for subthreshold retinal laser treatment by simply adjusting the laser parameters. Herein, we report the use of a modified LPM laser treatment for four cases of central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR).Patients and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of four patients (four eyes) with persistent CSCR who underwent modified LPM laser for leakage. The laser power was first titrated with a barely visible burn, and then treatment was applied using 33% laser energy by manually adjusting the laser power and duration.Results: Serous retinal detachment completely resolved in all cases by 2 months after treatment. Autofluorescence images did not show any specific changes induced by laser burns.Conclusion: A modified LPM laser may provide a feasible treatment for persistent CSCR.Keywords: central serous chorioretinopathy, subthreshold laser, low power mode, photocoagulation