Summary: | Since the beginning of the 21st century, older-generation writers in Slovak Vojvodina literature have published novels: Viera Benková (* 1939): Stred sveta ([The centre of the world], 2006), Tri ženy, dvaja muži a ja... ([Three women, two men, and me], 2017); Víťazoslav Hronec (* 1944): Dynastia Beňovských ([The Benyovszky dynasty], 2020); Zlatko Benka (* 1951): Deväť prsteňov ([Nine rings], 2005); Martin Prebudila (* 1960): No tak, usmej sa... ([Come on, smile...], 2012). In these novels, they largely synthesized their previous prose and overall literary work. A common feature in all the mentioned novels is the use of (neo)modernist, postmodern, and (neo)realistic narrative techniques and strategies in their composition, the influence of the author’s own poetry on their prose, and bilingualism in the case of two authors (V. Hronec, Z. Benka), where the work was written in Serbian and subsequently translated into Slovak. The aim of the contribution is to demonstrate how and to what extent the novelistic work of selected Slovak Vojvodina writers engages with current trends in literary transformations in Slovak, Serbian, and global literature.