Summary: | Because the generator power-measuring equipment is often accompanied by electrical interference in a complex electromagnetic environment in an actual thermal power plant, the output signal will change or even distort while it passes through the devices of acquisition and conversion. Several practical cases have found that the abnormal generation change phenomenon, impulse or oscillation caused by electrical interference, has different effects on the load regulation of steam turbines. These faults also exist in combined-cycle power plants (CCPPs). However, the insufficient installed capacity and operating life of CCPPs domestically cause similar load mutation failures that are scarcely found. We had to acknowledge that CCPPs and steam turbine regulation characteristics differ. It is of great value to study the influence of differences in load mutation on the load regulation of single-shaft CCPPs. We extracted the fault characteristics of two sudden load change phenomena using the operation data of an actual steam turbine and analyzed them through simulation. Furthermore, a fault detection and isolation method for sudden load changes in a single-shaft CCPP was proposed and the simulation results verified the method’s effectiveness.