Summary: | Explanation of the purpose and objectives of the study (2-3 lines). Mangrove ecosystems perform biological and
socioeconomic functions. Mangrove environments can be ecotourism destinations. This study analyzes mangrove potential to
determine typical mangrove ecotourism attractions and strengthen the branding and marketing of mangrove ecotourism
destination on the Tamban coast of Malang Regency, Indonesia. Explanation of the working methodology and the materials used
(2-3 lines). Local management and communities validate mangrove potential field observations. GIS with Sentinel-2 and NDVI
approach was used to analyze tides and satellite imaging data on mangrove thickness, density, and area. Analysis of mangrove
potential in ArcMap utilizing five parameters: thickness, density, kind, biota, and tides. Four density classes were created using
satellite imagery: non-mangroves, rare mangroves, moderate mangroves, and tight mangroves. Presentation and analysis of the
obtained results (2-4 lines). The results showed that the Tamban coast mangrove area has a moderate ecotourism potential
(potential value = 2.250), so it could be developed into mangrove ecotourism through conservation and limited utilization
activities through marine ecotourism to provide economic, ecological, and social incentives. Mangrove ecotourism features that
attract tourists and strengthen branding and marketing of this location include mangrove tourism education, canoeing, camping,
spot photography, beach attractiveness, bird and violin crab biodiversity. The conclusions obtained following the application of
the study (2-3 lines). Mangrove ecosystem on the Tamban coast has a high potential for conservation and marine ecotourism in
order to provide economic incentives, also ecological and social benefits. The richness and distinctiveness of Tamban's mangrove
ecotourism potential and attractions promotes the GPMC branding as a typical mangrove ecotourism.