Summary: | Based on the Work Plan of the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, the number of foreign workers entering
Indonesia in 2018 were 353,630 workers, causing the Indonesian workers to find job more difficult in their country. The Research
Objectives are: (a) To describe policies and implementations to decrease unemployment rates in Southeast Sulawesi Province; (b) To
Analyze an expert Chinese Foreign Worker accompanied by ten Indonesian Workers for transfer of knowledge and transfer of jobs; (c)
To Identify Chinese Foreign Workers and Indonesian Workers who are employed in Chinese Companies. The research design is a cross
sectional design. The sample consisted of 100 people, while the data analysis used flow models, correlation and respondents' perceptions.
The results showed that there were 10 Chinese workers and 90 Indonesian workers who worked in a chinese companies, but there are
discrimination in different position and payroll system that Chinese workers salary were higher than Indonesian workers.